About Me

Hi! Welcome to my website!

I’m Dinesh. I have a daily job as a Software Developer, however I’m lucky enough that I get to do that remotely and live in my hometown of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the beautiful Canary Islands, Spain.

My first experience with a camera was as a teenager, holding my mom’s Nikon L35AF, thinking that it was a plastic piece of junk. So I moved on to greener pastures when I could, and shot digital. However I was never able to make it work - there was that splinter in the back of my head that always kept telling me that this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. And neither it was spending hours doing Photoshop work on a single image, only for it to get 10 miserable likes on Instagram. There had to be another way.

During Christmas season of 2019 YouTube began spanning me this Analog Insights video about a cool camera, and little did I know that the Nikon F5 was a film camera. During my Digital years I lusted after the mighty D4, but that something I could never afford. So just before the pandemic, I decided my obsession with this ‘Nikon F5’ was worth spending €250 if only it was to keep it in my office as a cool-looking gadget.

Little that I know how that small purchase sent me on a quest to just shoot for the sake of it. To experience it. To live it, no questions asked. Because with film, it only ever makes sense to hit the shutter if it matters for you, and no one else.